Friday, September 19, 2008

Guess who is off of the paci?

From exhaustion is born progress! That's my new quote. Need a little explanation? Adam and I have been working a lot of hours and sleeping very few. Of course, anytime that we're not either working or sleeping we're enjoying family. But, the fact remains, that we're both running many hours short on the sleep front. Two nights ago we accidentally forgot (too tired to think) to attach the pacifier to Bailey's jammies when we put her to bed, and somehow she missed this fact or was so ready to go to bed that she didn't care. I didn't even discover it until she woke up yesterday morning. After talking with Adam, we decided to just see how it would go - if she asked for Paci we'd try to engage her in something else, if she started crying for Paci we'd let her have it. She didn't ask for it all day. So, we put her to bed without it - no problem! She's been without Paci since around 6pm on Wednesday and hasn't seemed to even notice! I'm thrilled because I was envisioning many bribes and much begging to get rid of the pacifier before she graduated from college. Her dentist has told us that we need to wean her of paci by the time that she's three - I was really dreading it! This just reinforces that, as with every other thing that Bailey has done (sleep, eating, weaning from breast feeding, etc) when she's ready, it just happens. So - no more paci - way to go peanut!!


Heather said...

Glad it was easier than expected, those are always added bonuses, lol!