Monday, August 4, 2008

Water Baby!!

We've been going to our swimming pool with great frequency since Bailey's first summer in 2006. Most of the time we hang out at the baby pool, but Bailey occasionally ventures to the big pool which makes us a little nervous. She's getting better at asking before she struts over there, but sometimes the impulse is too great and the resolve too weak and she suddenly bolts for the big pool with no regard for safety (which, for a 2 year old, is the MO). Today we started our journey toward water safety - Bailey had her first day of swimming lessons. It was only 1/2 hour, but it POOPED HER OUT!! By the end she was exhausted and actually let me carry her home while she rested her head on my shoulder and relaxed. I was a little concerned with whether she was ready or not - she doesn't follow instructions anywhere else and seems to plunge into life with utter reckless abandon and anarchy - I was pretty sure that she'd do the same here. I'm pleased to report that she actually did what the instructors asked her to do and she stayed seated on the steps when she was supposed to. And - she only tried to run to the baby pool once. I call this success!! She will be in lessons for the next two weeks. I'm certainly not expecting her to be able to swim by then, but "baby steps" will get her there eventually. Congrats on your first day of swimming lessons Bailey - momma's proud!!


Heather said...

She's a fish and it looks like so much fun. I cant to here how much more comfortable she will be in 2 weeks.

La Nuit Étoilée said...

good job miss Bailey!
Mira's in swim lessons now too.