Friday, June 13, 2008

Tagged - delay

So, I'm new to comments and just noticed that I've been tagged. When I have an opportunity I'll be posting 7 things about me. Here's my first:

While I've music directed about 70 productions over the last 16 years, I flunked music theory in college (flat out flunked). My mother asked me, "how do you flunk music theory when you've studied piano for 9 years?" My answer, "the class was at 8am and I was too hungover to attend most of the time." Valid answer, if you ask me! I suspect that I'd have passed if I'd gone to class. In fact, I suspect that my GPA would have been higher than 1.18 my freshman year of college if I'd employed that very tactic - attending class. Oh well, my first college experience was one of learning outside of the classroom. Too bad they don't offer refunds!

The remaining 6 are on the way!


Miki said...

I was tagged, too, but I didn't know what that meant. What does it mean?