Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Riding Pedro

While at the Tot Spot Cafe today I was reminded of an old family joke about riding Pedro while in Mexico. This had to do with the downfalls of Montezuma's revenge (drinking the water in Mexico will bring about many an opportunity to ride Pedro - ah, the light bulb just went on and it all makes sense - another "ah" - I'm probably telling the joke wrong - ah well, it's now one of the longest run on sentences in the history of the world, so who cares). Bailey found an elephant to ride - not Pedro, and nowhere near the same experience, but she dragged this elephant around the play area the entire two hours that we were there. She also dragged the play phone up as she sat on the elephant and loudly called out, "HELLO" while sitting on the elephant. I think that this is what cell phones look like on safari!


Growing Up Rutledge said...

Kim....you've completely butchered that story. It had nothing to do with Mexico. It had to do with an imodium ad commercial where the guy was riding a donkey. I can't go into further detail because i'm not the one who was "riding the donkey" (correct term)

Heather said...

Had to drag around the biggest thing there right? lol!

Kim said...

I'd forgotten about that commercial. Well, somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind I think that I've got about 4 different stories floating that ended up in this one. Ah well!