Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Torchlight Parade

Well, if you've been following my blog for a couple of months, you might remember my list of "things to do for the summer". One of the things on my list was to go to the Torchlight Parade. I used to go with Cassidy and Alex, and last year we brought Bailey for the first time. This year's parade was a huge hit with Bailey. She, of course, loved riding the rides at the Seattle Center. But, she also loved watching the many princesses and pretty floats. She hadn't had a nap (it was a busy day) so she had some pretty zoney and mellow moments (although, she announced frequently, "I'm not tired mom".

This is the view that we had of Bailey most of the time - her running ahead of us!!
Bailey loved riding these cars - she probably would have been fine if we'd just left her there with a bunch of tickets!

When Bailey's older I think I'll compile a collage of pictures of her with the pirates - she always looks terrified, but then wants to go see them again!

The Discovery Channel has a program on called Deadliest Catch. While I've only seen a portion of it once, the bit that I saw was pretty exciting because one of the boats was able to rescue a man who'd fallen off of his fishing boat into the freezing waters in Alaska. Anyway, this year's "celebrities" were a couple of the crew members for the Northwestern. As an aside - my family on my mother's side is Croatian and many of them were fishermen out of Anacortes. As I read biographies, I thought of my Uncle Tony and my mother's father.
So - here are Bailey's first photos with "celebrities" (in this case, dudes who fish for crab).
Jake Anderson
Edgar Hansen (not of the singing group Hanson)

These next two pictures are where Bailey clearly demonstrates that she's NOT tired (haha)!

Bailey really enjoyed seeing any of the Asian groups - their costumes and floats were very colorful!
Of course - who could miss the clowns!
And - one final ride on the Carousel!!
She sacked out on the car ride home - it was an exhausting day!!


Heather said...

Wow what a great day and I recognize the fishing guys. right on!!


La Nuit Étoilée said...

i love pics like the first one (with bailey running ahead). on the surface they may seem like boring snapshots-"oh, it's just the back of some kid"--but what they represent to us as parents is both heart-warming and heart-wrenching.