Sunday, July 27, 2008

Company Picnic

When you work for a company as big as Microsoft, the company picnic is not your usual, "bring a blanket and share some chicken" kind of affair. For Microsoft, the company picnic is spread out over three days (you RSVP for the day that you plan to attend so that they can accommodate the number of people) and consists of HUGE bounce houses, pony rides, tractor pulled hay rides, entertainment on a couple of stages, AMAZING food (burgers, vegan, vegetarian, ribs, indian, thai), and a lot of people.

We attended on Sunday the 20th - Bailey wanted to move in. Especially when she found the pony ride.


Heather said...

We tried to get dd on a horse at the local circus and she was not having it. I am glad to see bailey having a blast, lol!