Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm back - for now!

When I expressed concern about the amount of coffee needed to complete my project I was definitely NOT whistling dixie (I can barely whistle, anyway). I discovered many things about my life during this period of time. A couple of the most important things:

•I can consume a great deal of coffee!!
•I love being a mom (I couldn’t wait to get my snuggles with Bailey)
•My husband makes a great wife!!

So, I should explain the last point. My schedule had me working so many hours a day that I couldn’t find time to cook, clean, or do laundry. If it weren’t for the fact that I can’t stand fuzz growing on my teeth, I would have been hard pressed to find time to brush them, or launder myself. During the project, Adam cooked pretty much every meal, made me coffee (have I ever mentioned that he’s a saint?), played with Bailey, cleaned house, tidied up the toys each night. Well, you get the picture - he was an amazing wife!!

Anyway, I’m back for a couple of days, and then we head for a little R&R to the happiest place on Earth (not Vegas - Disneyland). Seeing as I post very infrequently, why did I bother to post this? Well, because there’s a chance that one person might read my blog and it gives me bragging rights in that it’s been less than three months since my last blog. So - to anyone who might be a lazier blogger than I - take that!!