Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tiny Dancer

As is well known, I grew up a gymnast. By the time I was in 7th grade I ate, slept, and breathed gymnastics. While I loved what I was doing, there is a part of me that, every once in a while, wishes that I'd tried other sports.

True story - during high school assemblies they often have "class competitions". In these competitions they would choose one person from each class to go to the main gym floor, in front of EVERYONE, and perform some "wacky" competition. At one of the assemblies my senior year, they had a "sport competition" where they chose one person from each winter sport. That person had to cartwheel out to a mat (gymnastics), jump rope a certain number of times (wrestling?!?!), ride a little square scooter thing on their stomach to a line (swimming?!?!) and then shoot a free throw (basketball). Well, the cartwheel gave me a huge lead which no one made up - until the free throw. I kid you not, I stood with that damn ball trying to make a free throw at least 3 minutes past the last person. Someone yelled, "aim for the backboard!" They could have said it in Amharek - it wouldn't have made a difference - I had no idea what they were talking about!

Of course, I don't share that story to indicate that I have always wanted to play basketball. At 5 ' 4 1/2" I don't think that I'd be of much use, and the game really never interested me. I simply note that I was a clod in any sport other than gymnastics.

Well - I've certainly strayed from the path on this post. The whole point is that Bailey has really enjoyed a number of sports (at her advanced age of 2 3/4). She had a blast in gymnastics. Totally loves soccer. Thinks that puddle jumping is the best of all (I include it as I think it should be named an Olympic sport). Enjoys swimming (when it doesn't hurt her ears). And is going to try dance this fall. It's a mixed ballet and tap class - I'm hiding the tap shoes when we're at home!! Can't wait to see my "tiny dancer" in the studio!! Of course, I'll have video to share when she begins - keep your eyes peeled for a full report on September 6th!

Oh, and did I ever make the free throw. Finally, after they had cleared all of the equipment used in the competition, I "sunk" one - while I didn't have much "skill" in other sports, my persistence never wavered!


Heather said...

LOL! im right there with you. I am enjoying sports all over again through the kids.