Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Fourth 4th

The 4th of July, as with most holidays, more or less glides through year after year without really leaving a great impression. Certainly, it is enjoyable. However, it's not like each year is so memorable that I can tell you what I've done every single year. As this year's 4th came to an end I realized that there are only four 4th of July holidays that I clearly recall. Without further ado - I present my four 4ths.

1976 - The bi-centennial. I was 8 years old and was visiting my Great Grandmother (Nana) in Texas. For the 4th of July we went to Baylor stadium and participated in the festivities there. What I remember most is being at Baylor and watching fireworks.

1990 - The year that my father had died. He died on July 2nd and what stood out on the 4th that year was the fact that the neighborhood kids (I was staying with my mother) were behaving like imbeciles. Well, at least I thought they were. The truth is, they were behaving like teenage kids. They were loud and they were shooting off fireworks and I remember considering calling the police on them (I knew that they were underage and were drinking) simply because they were pissing me off. It somehow seemed wrong that they were able to have fun and my dad had just died. My lesson learned in that was that life continues to move forward no matter what the situation.

???? - I've been racking my brain for the year, but I just can't recall. What I do recall is that Kristi came over for the evening. We ate barbecued ribs -which took a lot longer than I'd expected. And then, we did cheap fireworks out on the street next to my apartment at 102 D Street. And she did this sparkler dance that almost had me wetting my pants. And, I've asked her to do it since and she has declined every time. I like to think that I'm the only one who she has shared this with and she wants to keep it that way because I'm "just that special". Whatever the reason, it was truly memorable!!

2008 - Bailey's first fireworks. We took her to Bellevue Park for the Bellevue Family 4th. There were bounce houses, the play area, bands on the mainstage (ending with the Bellevue Philharmonic) and then Fireworks. When we'd first mentioned that we were going to see fireworks she immediately assumed that meant that we were going to DisneyWorld. Makes sense seeing as the only Fireworks that she has seen have been at a Disney park. We told her we were going to Bellevue-World. As we waited for the fireworks we played hide and seek under the blanket with the flashlight and played patticake, and prayed that time would pass more quickly. Then they began. Having just had thunder storms the day before, the noise initially reminded her of the thunder. But, she quickly settled in and kept going "oh wow" in her enthusiastic voice. And then, she laid down next to Adam and covered up with the blanket and just watched. It was such a sweet moment and one that is now etched in my memory as the best 4th ever!


Growing Up Rutledge said...

1990 - we DID call the police. They DID come and break up the party. It was rude of them!

The sparkler dance appeared in 1995 and I think we actually had barbecued steak. That, yes - did take way too long!!! And, I think you might be the only person to have seen it, but if I remember, Gabe joined us when he got off work and he got to see the end of it. Just not the full glory!

Kim said...

Gabe did join us after - but, I don't think it was in 1995 because I was in New Haven Connecticut for the World Games that year on the 4th. It couldn't have been 1994 either as I was in Israel. Maybe 1996.

I didn't know that we called the police - I just remember wanting to!!

Heather said...

This post is so true. I remember some holidays but so far i really remember the holidays with kids. i just did a post about what we did on each canada day the last 3 yrs, for i felt the same you way you do about them before kids.
