Saturday, June 28, 2008

Shake your body just like a crab!

Bailey's favorite Dora the Explorer episode has a wonderful little ditty in it with the lyric:

"Shake your body, shake your body, shake your body just like a crab!"

Bailey can dance to it forever - we've rewound and replayed numerous times. As a side note, she' moving into the age of repetition. Repeating the same thing over and over again is predictable and that feels safe and comforting - so, she repeats, and repeats, and repeats, and repeats. As an additional aside, these days I can sort of see the value in repetition. While I don't fear the unpredictable (my mother has referred to me as her free spirit a number of times), there are times that sticking to the pattern and expected just feels better for a bit.So - back to the story. Bailey's Grandma is on her "sister's retreat" (time with her sisters) and this year it's in Bellingham. We went up to join them today and took Bailey to the beach. She had never been to the beach before, but she (of course) has seen it on TV. With Dora. Shaking her body LIKE A CRAB. So - when we mentioned going to the beach we talked about playing in the sand and then she chimed up with, "I see crabs?" I told her we might. We did - it was just the shell (dead crab). It didn't shake it's body. She told me it wasn't a crab - and then ran back to dig in the sand. Maybe next time!!

There are even more pictures here