Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Zoo - also known as Pic Overload

We joined half of the population of Seattle (I swear, the parking was just horrible) at the Woodland Park Zoo yesterday. Bailey really enjoyed seeing the animals and if she knew the sound that any animal made she would make it as soon as she saw the animal - the cutest was when she saw the lion. It was fairly quiet in the little lion viewing area and then suddenly this little voice yelled, "ROAR" and was about as ferocious as a tiny kitten. There was a large burst of laughter and, "how cute" comments after. Her favorite animal to see? This one was surprising - she kept wanting to go back to see the Pythons (Snakes mommy - Sssssssss). Here are pics - I just couldn't whittle down any further so this officially qualifies as a pic overload.