Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Funky Town

Can I finish a thought?! The answer to this is, I know, no!! I’ve actually begun this post about 1,432,987.6 times, but seem to run out of steam after the first sentence. Today - I’ve actually made it past the first one, so I’m hoping to complete an entire thought (albeit, short one) before Bailey wakes up.

It’s been a busy year - that’s my thought. We’ve been busy having fun, busy working, busy visiting new babies, and busy just living!! And - it’s been good. If anyone had told me that being married and having a daughter would be all that I could hope for, I might have called them nuts. But, I find myself convinced that this is really the case. Adam is a dream and Bailey is a blast, and together they give me more and make me feel more complete every single day.

So - to the Creator of all of these dreams that have come true. Thank you!! And that’s all - I think!